21 Fev 2022
One more Bang! Bang! Animation production, this time 1h 40m film in motion-comics, another movie for Miguel Gizzas' Cine Concertos that will run through various venues across the country. This is the longest film ever produced by Bang! Bang! Animation.
23 Jul 2021

Bang! Bang! Animation was nominated as a Top Film Company in Portugal by BestStartup.eu !!!!
A Bang! Bang! Animation foi nomeada como melhor empresa de cinema do top 23 em Portugal pela BestStartup.eu !!!!

06 Apr 2020
Bang! Bang! Animation never stops, our team is now working from home in a new and
fantastic production, and we will reveal it in 2022.
Animation is a great solution to produce advertising and maintain your company
communication with the world alive.
So, if your company needs to advertise or say something, just contact us and we
animate it for you!
Stay safe!
18 Apr 2019
Bang! Bang! Animation produced recently the 5'' Music Video - "Paradise Café", for the first Single in the new album "Less Ain't More" from the Portuguese rock band AFFÄIRE.
The video is inspired in a 1985 cult Spectrum Portuguese video-game, so it's a very simple music video.
21 Jan 2019
Another Bang! Bang! Animation production, this time a 35-minute film in motion-comics for Miguel Gizzas' Cine Concerto that will run through various venues across the country.
20 Dec 2018
- Movimento Sou Gentil - ZIG ZAG - RTP2
Bang! Bang! Animation is proud to have produced 4 films for the "Movimento Sou Gentil". An initiative of the Zig Zag program from RTP2, that aims to spread Kindness.
In this production Bang! Bang! Animation counted on the precious help of the studio "Sardinha em Lata" in the production of one of the films.
12 Nov 2018
- New Office Bang! Bang! Animation Studio
Bang! Bang! Animation office moved again, but always in the center of Lisbon.

01 Nov 2017
- Moonspell "In Tremor Dei" Music Video, last production from Bang! Bang! Animation Studio
Bang! Bang! Animation had the privilege of producing the new Music Video for the portuguese metal band Moonspell.
Supporting the release of the "1755" latest album from Moonspell, Bang! Bang! Animation produced the 4.20 '' Music Video for the song "In Tremor Dei".
The album theme is all about the 1755 earthquake in LIsbon.
The team was composed by: Miguel Braga (direction and video edition), Carlos Fernandes (graphics and storyboarding), Mariana Rodrigues (animation), Pedro Jag (animation) and Vasco Ruivo (animation). Thanks to all!
27 OCT 2017
- New logo and web site!

Bang! Bang! Animation has a new web site!
Our old web site was made in Flash format and didn't work in mobile, it was outdated.
This new site keeps the same structure of the old one, but introduces more complete content: this new section for the studio news and also some new productions that were missing from our old site portfolio, as well as the last productions we are working on.
We also updated our Facebook, YouTube and Blog accounts with our new corporate image.
Now it's easier to navigate in our web site and you can follow the news about our work here as well in the social networks.
+ 20 Years Producing Animation Movies
Bang! Bang! Animation is a Studio based in Lisbon, Portugal, since 2000, specialized in digital animation for Multimedia, TV and Web.